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Flesh and Blood

The Church of England is backing a groundbreaking new campaign was launched today specifically calling on the church to increase the number of blood and organ donors in the UK. The Rt Rev James Newcome is Lead Bishop on Healthcare for the Church

Much more Give than Take this Christmas in Penzance!

This Christmas a new shop appeared on a small Cornish high street.  It wasn’t an ordinary shop though; the window display was adorned with the nativity scene and the shop name wasn’t a well-known chain – it didn’t offer bargains, sales,

Small Donations Gift Aid Scheme

We anticipate the scheme to be worth around £13 million for parishes.  The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced it in the 2011 budget, and there is a Bill currently going through Parliament which will bring the scheme into operation from April 2013.

Changes needed to Gift Aid Declarations this year

As a result of new guidance from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), all parishes will need to use new wording in all new Gift Aid declarations that are signed after the end of this year (31/12/2012). However, parishes are encouraged