
PCCs are recognised charities, which mean members of a PCC are charity trustees. This page provides some resources to support the induction of PCC members by providing a briefing on what it means to be a trustee.

We have produced a short guide called Trusteeship: An Introduction for PCC Members to provide information on their roles and responsibilities as charity trustees.

The Charity Commission has Guidance on managing faith charities as trustees.

You should check that all your PCC members are eligible to serve as charity trustees (i.e. are not disqualified under charity law), and that HMRC would regard them as ‘Fit and Proper Persons’. This can be done by asking all current PCC members to sign the Trustee eligibility and Fit and Proper Persons Declaration. All newly elected PCC members should also sign these declarations.

This short training video can be used as part of an induction session, and to accompany the trusteeship guide.

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