Part way through many Anglican services, a bag or plate makes its way around the congregation. In many places, this activity has lost its connection with worship, and has become a ritual, or even a fundraising activity.
The giving of money is a rich part of our worship. Money represents us in a way that nothing else can – our priorities and values in life are intrinsically wrapped up in the decisions that we make about allocating the money we have, whether we are comfortably off or just getting by. Our bank statements reveal what we hold to be important – sometimes uncomfortably so!
And so the our offering of ourselves, our money, time and talents, is a significant act of worship that is included in our services. Here we offer some resources to support that…..
Worship Resources
1. Offertory Prayers
Click here for a range of offertory prayers for different times and seasons, thoughts on incorporating other aspects of offering (whether Standing Orders or the giving of time and talents) and a whole lot more!
2. Whether to pass the bag or not?
Whether or not you will pass a bag or plate around in the middle of a service is more than just a financial decision. Click here for some thoughts to guide thinking about the offering of money as part of worship.
3. Three services based around a Stewardship Theme.
We are grateful to the Diocese of Gloucester, and to Rev’d Tom Clammer for permission to make these available. The services are based upon For all the Church Family, from New Patterns for Worship. Full set of Liturgical Materials (pdf), Service 1 – God Gives to Us (Word), Service 2 – We Give to God (Word), Service 3 – Giving Thanks (Word)
4. A Service of Commissioning for Local Giving Officers
Many dioceses are encouraging parishes to appoint local or Parish Giving Officers. We are grateful to the Diocese of Durham for permission to make available the service booklet used at a Commissioning Service for Local Giving Officers.