Registration with the Charity Commission

Parochial Church Council’s (PCCs) with a gross annual income of over £100,000 are required to be registered with the Charity Commission.

The Archbishops’ Council continues to work with the Charity Commission to make the process as simple as possible and have agreed Approved Governing Documents.

The guide below has been developed to help you complete the online form. PCC representatives can apply using the online registration portal on the Charity Commission website, with a link to “start or continue a charity registration application” a short scroll down the page.

Two of the documents you will need when applying are:

Please note: parishes can no longer ask for a written determination to not have to register with the charity commission if annual income is exceptionally above £100,000. All parishes with annual income over £100,000 in any financial year must register. By the end of March 2031, all PCCs with an annual income of over £5,000, will be need to be registered. A phrased onboarding for Church of England PCCs will likely start in 2026. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

After registration

Annual Returns

Once you’re a registered charity, you need to prepare and submit an Annual Return which can be done online through a My Charity Commission Account.

The Charity Commission have produced helpful guidance on completing 2024 annual returns.

To assist with responding to section 6 of the annual return:
“Is your charity part of a wider group structure with a parent body and subsidiary bodies?”
Answer: “c. no, the charity is not part of a wider group structure”.
This is because while PCCs have to follow rules and regulations set “nationally” by General Synod, the trustees (PCC members) are appointed locally and are responsible for the day-to-day management of the PCC as a charity.

Related pages: The Annual Report

Registered status

For registered PCCs, here’s guidance on when you should show your registered status. Registered charities will also need to report serious incidents to the Charity Commission.

Setting up Joint Councils under the Church Representation Rules and registration with the Charity Commission

These FAQs are to assist PCCs considering establishing a Joint Council.

Amendments to guidance

Part B paragraph 2 of the FAQs is no longer applicable. PCCs cannot apply for written dispensation and must register if their income exceeds £100,000 for the year. Appendix 4 is no longer valid.

Appendix 3- Template email to apply to the Charity Commission to be removed from the register of charities. This process should now be completed online via the Charity Commission website and is only applicable to PCCs who have registered charity status.

Last updated

Published: July 2012 – Next review due: June 2025

Last updated:
15 January 2025 – Link to 2024 Annual Return Guidance
12 July 2024 – Guidance on section 6 of annual return