For the full Rules relating to the annual church meetings and church electoral roll, refer to the Church Representation Rules 2025 Edition online.
This page provides templates to support parishes with the administration of this important time of year.
Tip: Always refer back to this page each time you use a template to ensure you’re using the most recent version.
Page content
- Using the PDF templates
- Overview
- Church Electoral Roll (Form1)
- Revision of the roll (Form 2)
- Preparation of new roll (Form 3)
- Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- Notice (Form M1)
- Postal voting (Form M2)
- Nomination forms
- Meeting of the Parishioners
- Post-meeting
Using the PDF templates
In response to feedback from parishes, we are gradually making templates available as “fillable” PDFs. This is to overcome issues often experienced with layout and compatibility of Word documents. To use the new templates (only applicable to those marked— New for 2025):
- Click on the document you need, a download should start automatically (if you are experiencing problems, you could try a different browser e.g. Edge, Chrome).
- Open your document (check your downloads folder) and save a copy with a new file name.
- Open your newly saved version, hover the mouse cursor over the blank fields you for more information on how to complete the sections (this feature may vary depending on which PDF viewer you are using).
- Once you’ve filled in the blanks, you can save it and print it as needed.
- If you would prefer to fill the form in by hand, the PDF can be printed with empty fields.
We have been made aware that some users have experienced issues with missing fields when printing. The forms have been checked and updated to ensure that they are functioning correctly. If you have downloaded a form recently and had these problems, we suggest clearing your browser cache and downloading the form again, to make sure you are accessing the latest version.
For templates yet to be updated, the previous Word doc and PDF versions continue to be available.
This document is currently being updated to cover the preparation of a new roll for 2025
Church Electoral Roll
In every parish, there must be a church electoral roll. For the full Rules, see the CRR Part 1.
A person entitled to have their name on a roll can apply to do so using Form 1.
Form 1 may, if desired, be completed and signed electronically and submitted by email where the parochial church council has provided an email address: see Rule 76.
If a person provides an email address, any communication under the Church Representation Rules may be sent by email to that address: see Rule 76.
Revision of the roll
The roll must be revised annually, except in a year in which a new roll is to be prepared (every sixth year starting 2025).
Notice for the proposed revision must be given on Form 2 and must remain on display for at least 14 days before the proposed revision begins.
Preparation of new roll
Notice that a new roll for a parish is to be prepared must be given on Form 3 and be on display at least two months before the annual parochial church meeting in every sixth year beginning with 2025.
It must remain on display for at least 14 days.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
In every parish, the annual parochial church meeting (APCM) must be held in the period which begins with 1 January and ends with 31 May. For full Rules relating to the APCM, see: Rule M1.
The minister must convene the APCM by displaying a notice in Form M1.
The period for display must include the last two Sundays before the day of the meeting.
Postal voting
For full Rules about postal voting see Rule M11.
Nomination forms
Note on Rule 12A “Declaration as to disqualification”
As this rule doesn’t relate to nominees/candidates, you can continue to use the nomination forms below for your annual elections making sure candidates are aware that should they be elected, they will be required to make a further declaration before acting, confirming that they are not disqualified.
These nomination forms contain a declaration for newly elected trustees, that they are not disqualified from holding office (as set out in the Church Representation Rules). However, all newly elected office holders must also confirm their eligibility to be a charity trustee by signing two declarations, being: (i) confirmation of trustee eligibility (i.e. non-disqualification under charity law); and (ii) a Fit and Proper Person declaration.
By signing the nomination declaration, a person is confirming they can sign these further declarations.
Meeting of the Parishioners
The churchwardens of a parish should be chosen annually, no later than 31st May in each year, at a meeting of the parishioners. For full Rules relating to the election of churchwardens and meeting of the parishioners, see: Churchwardens Measure 2001.
Notice of meeting
The period for display must include the last two Sundays before the day of the meeting.
Nomination for churchwarden
Candidates for election must be nominated and seconded in writing by those entitled to attend the meeting. The nomination paper must be received by the minister of the parish before the start of the meeting.
This nomination form contains a declaration for newly elected trustees, that they are not disqualified from holding office (as set out in the Church Representation Rules). However, all newly elected office holders must also confirm their eligibility to be a charity trustee by signing two declarations, being: (i) confirmation of trustee eligibility (i.e. non-disqualification under charity law); and (ii) a Fit and Proper Person declaration.
By signing the nomination declaration, a person is confirming they can sign these further declarations.
All newly elected office holders must also confirm their eligibility to be a charity trustee by signing two declarations, being: (i) confirmation of trustee eligibility (i.e. non-disqualification under charity law); and (ii) a Fit and Proper Person declaration.
The PCC Secretary should receive this confirmation from all PCC members, including those who are ex-officio. This can be done by using:
Notice of results
The result of election held during the annual meetings, or which involved postal voting (Rule M11), must be announced as soon as practicable.
The notice must remain on display for at least 14 days.
Last updated
Last Updated
16 Jan 2025 – Fixed field errors on new downloads
19 Dec 2024 – Updated ‘Notice of a Meeting of the Parishioners’ download
09 Dec 2024 – Updated ‘Form ‘1 download, addition of ‘Form M2’ download
04 Dec 2024 – New layout, renewal of links to Church Representation Rules, addition of ‘Form 3’ download, notice of future updates
24 Apr 2024 – Replacement of document links with resource download function
19 Apr 2024 – Update on using nomination forms in relation to rule M12A
27 Mar 2024 – Added new Annual Meetings Overview and Checklist PDF
26 Mar 2024 – Updated “Notice of APCM” Form M1
14 Mar 2024 – Adjustment to layout to for accessibility