Stewardship of Talents
Part of the diversity of God’s creation is the unique way in which we each been created, and equipped with talents, aptitudes, gifts and skills. These talents and gifts, like all of our posessions and wealth, have generous gifts from a generous God. “And what do you have that you did not receive? But if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” (1 Cor. 4:7).
That which we have been given, are offered back to God as we use them within the Church. This is true of musical, teaching, financial, and academic talents, but it is also true of the spiritual gifts we have received. “And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly” (Rom. 12:6).
Stewardship of Time
We may have different amounts of money, we have different abilities and talents, but we each have 168 hours in a week. No matter what we do, we cannot create more time, or experience less of it. We do, however, have different options available to us, and make different choices as to what we do with our time.
In a church which is often short of money, stewardship of our time, and of our talents, can sometimes be neglected.