Legacies are a lifeline for our parishes. Each year around 5,000 people leave a gift in their will to a Church of England parish. In total, parishes receive around £50 million in legacy gifts each year – gifts to finance mission projects, maintain beautiful church buildings and grow faithful communities.
For many people, leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God. It is also a way to make a lasting difference to the future of their church and community. We have produced guidance and resources to help your parish with the following three areas:
1. How to Encourage Legacy Giving in your Parish
Many church members would like to know how they could leave a gift to the Church, although they might be reticent about asking. Click here to discover some practical steps your parish can take.
2. Why Every Christian should have a Will
For nearly 500 years the Church of England has encouraged people to make a Will. Making a Will and updating it regularly is the only way to make sure your wishes are carried out after your death, giving you peace of mind that you can continue to support the family, friends and causes you love.
3. Guidance on Receiving a Legacy
If a Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a named beneficiary in a will, the PCC are responsible for liaising with the Executor to administer the gift correctly, and ensure they use the funds for their charitable Christian Ecclesiastical purposes.