The PCC as a charity – Resources to help you

Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) are charities, and their members are charity trustees (see our page on trusteeship). In this section, we offer some resources to support PCCs and their members.

Compliance Checklist

Preview of compliance checklist

Working with the legal and safeguarding teams, we’ve produced a handy Checklist to help you ensure you’re on top of most of the key aspects of good governance and compliance. Completing this could be done together as a PCC to build awareness of what is required, or led by one of the officers building input from others as necessary.

Data Protection & GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect in the UK from 25 May 2018. Parishes must comply with its requirements, just like any other charity or organisation. Parish Resources has guidance, templates and a checklist to help parishes implement this.

Forms for Electoral Rolls, APCMs and PCC Meetings

Forms for revising the Church Electoral Roll and managing the annual parochial church meetings.

Form for a monthly PCC meeting notice template. Please note the inclusion of the agenda on this document is optional.

Charity Registration

PCCs with annual incomes of over £100,000 are required by law to register with The Charity Commission. For registered PCCs, we offer guidance on when you should show your registered status. Registered charities need to report serious incidents to the Charity Commission.

Setting up Joint Councils under the Church Representation Rules and registration with the Charity Commission

These FAQs are to assist PCCs considering establishing a Joint Council.

Amendments to guidance

Part B paragraph 2 of the FAQs is no longer applicable. PCCs cannot apply for written dispensation and must register if their income exceeds £100,000 for the year. Appendix 4 is no longer valid.

Appendix 3- Template email to apply to the Charity Commission to be removed from the register of charities. This process should now be completed online via the Charity Commission website.

Governing Documents

Summary and links to the Governing Documents which set out governance arrangements for PCCs.

PCC Policies

You will need certain policies to ensure that you have the processes in place to manage potential issues, and that you’ve agreed as a PCC how you will do this. The policies that you will need will depend on your context, but guidance to help with some of the common ones is available under PCC Policies.

Good Practice with Reserves & Restricted Funds

We have produced a “Good Practice” guide to developing Reserves Policies. There is also a guide to Restricted Funds, and how parishes can manage these effectively.

Risk Management

Risk Management: A guide for parishes – with checklists and examples.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about PCCs as Charities.

Last updated

Published July 2012

Last reviewed July 2024: Next review due November 2024