Jo Beacroft-Mitchell, the Giving and Resources Officer for the Diocese of Wakefield has joined Christian Aid’s Living Below the Line Campaign to raise awareness and money for crucial anti-poverty initiatives.
£1 is the UK equivalent of the extreme poverty line. Jo outlines how living on so little will give her a glimpse into the challenges faced by the 1.4 billion people who have no choice but to live below the line every day living.
Stewardship and Thankfulness
“Working for the Diocese I know how hard times feel in the parishes at the moment but I also think it’s important to be reminded that despite all the challenges we face, on the whole our churches and our congregations are incredibly lucky to live in one of the richest nations on earth.
This campaign raises awareness of how many of our fellow human beings struggle to survive every day, as well as giving me an opportunity to raise funds for an organisation working to improve their lives. It also gives me a chance to reflect on how thankful I am to have all that I have, and thankfulness is the very root of good stewardship.”
Hear about Jo’s experiences and challenges by reading her blog Adventures in Generosity.