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New Bible Readings on Christian Giving

Generous God, Generous People   As Christians all of our life is lived as a loving response to God who gave his only Son that we might have eternal life. Many of us read our Bibles each day. ‘Generous God,

The Good Money App – now available!

            Our FREE mobile phone app provides tools, tips and prayers to help Christians manage their money – whether you’ve got lots to look after, or are just scraping by. The Good Money app provides

A legacy really is something special

My name is Victoria James and I am the Stewardship Advisor for the Diocese of Portsmouth. I have a legal background and worked as a Solicitor for almost a decade.  I began my legal career specialising in Family Law as

Winchester is using their Will Power, Will you?

This November, your local solicitor will write basic Wills for clients introduced by Will Aid. Then, instead of paying the solicitor a fee, they are invited to make a donation to Will Aid. The suggested voluntary donation is £95 for


We have produced an 8 page leaflet to introduce PCC members to their roles and responsibilities as Charity Trustees. As a member of a Parochial Church Council you are also a charity trustee, as all PCCs are charities. This booklet

Church Legacy: A lasting gift to your church

The Church of England has launched its new and improved Church Legacy website which offers quick and easy access to essential information for individuals considering leaving a gift in their Will to their local church. The website provides further information on

Building an Ethical Financial System

Research by Church Urban Fund reveals Churchgoers are twice as likely to support credit unions than others. The Church Urban Fund briefing paper gives some background to the issues surrounding the problem of payday lending and the role credit unions

76% of Britons giving to good causes

The UK is top of the developed world for giving money to charity, with 76% of Britons giving to good causes in a typical month. The increase in financial giving makes the UK the sixth most charitable nation in the

Christmas Generosity Resources

Generosity at Christmas is a page of prayers and ideas for encouraging and sharing generosity at Christmas. Christmas is all about giving and generosity; but sometimes it gets confused with buying and consuming.  We have created some resources to help

A Short Guide to Encouraging Generous Giving

Each week hundreds of thousands of Church of England members give their time, their skills and their money to support the work of the Church. Without them, the Church’s ministry and its participation in mission would be far less significant. Parish