Our FREE mobile phone app provides tools, tips and prayers to help Christians manage their money – whether you’ve got lots to look after, or are just scraping by.
The Good Money app provides the support you need whether trying to compare what’s the best deal, working out prices on holiday, praying about whether to make a major purchase or looking for helpful, focused tips.
The app includes…
- Multiple, flexible trackers to help you stay in control of your spending
- Our promotion calculator to work out the best deal in the supermarket
- A holiday exchange calculator to easily work out the price in your home currency
- Reflections on all aspects of money – to help think through them with a Christian perspective
- Prayers you can use for help with spending, saving, borrowing or giving
Download free at: Android from Google Play or iOS from iTunes
We’d like your help in testing and improving this. Please download it from either Google Play or ITunes using the links above and try it out.
If you love it – please take a moment to leave feedback on their sites. If you don’t – please tell us how we can improve it by emailing info@goodmoneyapp.org.uk