Search Results for: legacy

Local solicitors are ready and willing to help

This November, local solicitors are ready and willing to help people put their affairs in order and secure the future for their loved ones. They are offering to write basic Wills without charging their normal fee.  All that they ask

Funding Capital Campaign Workshops

Capital Fundraising Campaigns raise large sums of money for building maintenance and/or large projects. Campaigns can last anything from two to twelve years and each Capital Campaign requires clear planning, preparation and good project management. Planning a Successful Capital Campaign

How to Plan a Successful Capital Campaign

Capital Fundraising Campaigns raise large sums of money for building maintenance and/or large projects. Campaigns can last up to three years and each Capital Campaign requires clear planning, preparation and good project management. Eleanor Gill will facilitate a lively and


The Parish Resources Team produce a quarterly newsletter, providing parishes with the latest news, parish updates and resources available. For more information and to sign up to receive these newsletters, click here Read all the latest news and important updates in our

Growing Income

The 12,500 parishes across the Church of England have an annual total income of around £900 million. Many find it challenging to grow income, and this page seeks to provide access to a range of resources. 1. Giving Around £450 million

Order Resources

Currently, all resources should be ordered here:

Giving for Life – Continuing the Journey

Giving for Life helps parishes review their approach to issues of stewardship and generosity, within a context of discipleship. Following a survey of more than 1100 parishes, it is clear that most parishes have made real progress in adopting proven

FAQs about Reserves

1. Why does the PCC need to have a reserves policy? The Charities Act requires charities to have a purpose in holding on to money. A reserves policy shows the purpose for which reserves are held and in some instances

Sample Reserves Policies

Here we provide four examples for different churches in different situations…… Example Reserve Policy 1. Church A is a large church in a reasonably affluent area. The annual income is about £120,000 which includes £15,000 from the hall. The church

Accounting for different types of funds

Where a PCC holds funds, other than unrestricted funds, its accounting records must be adequate to allow separate financial information to be produced for each fund. Unrestricted, restricted and endowment funds must all be shown separately in the annual accounts