Yearly Archives: 2013

Christmas Generosity Resources

Generosity at Christmas is a page of prayers and ideas for encouraging and sharing generosity at Christmas. Christmas is all about giving and generosity; but sometimes it gets confused with buying and consuming.  We have created some resources to help

A Short Guide to Encouraging Generous Giving

Each week hundreds of thousands of Church of England members give their time, their skills and their money to support the work of the Church. Without them, the Church’s ministry and its participation in mission would be far less significant. Parish

How to Plan a Successful Capital Campaign

Capital Fundraising Campaigns raise large sums of money for building maintenance and/or large projects. Campaigns can last up to three years and each Capital Campaign requires clear planning, preparation and good project management. Eleanor Gill will facilitate a lively and

Living Below the Line

Jo Beacroft-Mitchell, the Giving and Resources Officer for the Diocese of Wakefield has joined Christian Aid’s Living Below the Line Campaign to raise awareness and money for crucial anti-poverty initiatives. £1 is the UK equivalent of the extreme poverty line.

Flesh and Blood

The Church of England is backing a groundbreaking new campaign was launched today specifically calling on the church to increase the number of blood and organ donors in the UK. The Rt Rev James Newcome is Lead Bishop on Healthcare for the Church

Much more Give than Take this Christmas in Penzance!

This Christmas a new shop appeared on a small Cornish high street.  It wasn’t an ordinary shop though; the window display was adorned with the nativity scene and the shop name wasn’t a well-known chain – it didn’t offer bargains, sales,