From this page you can download the workshop presentation, handouts and downloads on this topic from the day organised by the Diocese of St Albans at Linslade on 25 March.
Download files available to you are:
* A pdf version of the slides delivered during the workshop: Presentation Slides
* All the advice handouts featured on the slides during the workshop:
02 Church Buildings Audit
03 Pizzamat PB
04 Top tips for needs brief
05 Project Route Map
06 Stakeholder Map (generic)
07 Possible Partners
08 Client team
09 Procurement
11 Design team – what do they all do
12 Selecting a builder
13 Strategic plan
14 Contracts
15 Brave New World
16 Risk Management
17 Permission Decision Tree
18 Building Budget template
Free templates for you to use
Including the Gantt template for project planning, the template for use in a community survey, the budgeting template (with notes on its use) and the Asset Management Plan.
For your project plan, you can purchase Microsoft Project Professional (among other software) for about £78 for your church from Parish Buying (this compares with about £400 on Amazon – find out about other specially negotiated contracts, including electricity, gas, office products, other computer software, LED lighting, boilers, fire safety equipment and more).
If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft Project, this video guide takes you through the basics:
Other links:
Some other links and information can be found on: – the church’s main resource for those responsible for maintaining and developing church buildings. It includes sections on maintenance, developing and sustaining the building, and points to lots of other resources too. – an excellent resource for those engaging on church building projects.
Crossing the Threshold – the Diocese of Hereford guide to community use and church buildings development. – the London diocese’s specialist section about church buildings. – St Albans diocese’s specialist section about church buildings
Knowing your local community – Office for National Statistics – information available down to ward level – national network of ambitious and enterprising community-led organisations Check out the ‘social atlas’ in your area online
Other resources referred to on the course:
A Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen available on Amazon
Buildings for Mission available on Amazon