The Church of England’s Stewardship & Resources team are working with Generosity Path to offer our church members an experience that Christians the world over have found to be incredibly helpful. A ‘Journey of Generosity’ provides the chance to take some time in the company of fellow Christians in a comfortable setting to explore God’s Word, watch stories of other inspirational givers, enjoy a meal together, and ask God’s Spirit to show us how to use the money that He’s entrusted to us.
A conversation with new friends…
We don’t lecture, we discuss. We don’t fill out spreadsheets or make financial plans; we try to discern God’s leading on our lives. We listen a lot as we learn together to think faithfully and biblically about generosity and about living ‘the life that is truly life’ (1 Tim 6:19).
A safe environment…
Most people who want to talk about money are after something: your money. At these gatherings you will never be asked for money, nor forced to share anything about your money that you don’t want to. The video below ends by saying “We want something for you, not something from you”, and that’s absolutely true. Have a look at the video, and if you’d like to attend or host a Journey of Generosity, get in touch with us at: or