Christmas is all about giving and generosity; but sometimes it gets confused with buying and consuming. On this page you will find some resources to help you reflect God’s amazing generosity in our actions, worship and private prayer.
Practical Christmas Generosity
Christmas is a great time for practical outworking of generosity. Here are a few ideas…..
- Take the time to call someone on Christmas Day who might be on their own.
- Open your house and invite neighbours for a coffee or a drink.
- Before opening presents on Christmas morning, make an online donation to a charity which helps those less fortunate.
- Shovel snow for someone on your street
- Sing carols around your community as a church, and give away mince pies or chocolates as you wish them a happy Christmas.
Christmas Graces (Meal Prayers)
We thank you, Father God, for the love that binds us,for the food that nourishes us, and for your gift of Jesus to save us. Amen. |
For all your blessings, Generous God, we give you thanks. We thank you for the food we share, and ask you to keep us mindful of those who this Christmas time go without. Amen. |
Prayers for Christmas Morning
Lord Jesus, We remember the Magi, wise men who travelled for miles to bring you the first Christmas presents. May we remember with thankful hearts the love that comes with each present we open. We also thank you for the amazing love you have for each of us, and for the many gifts that you give us. Amen | Father God, When your son Jesus became a tiny baby in a stable in Bethlehem in poverty and simplicity, you changed our world. As we imagine those surroundings, we join with the shepherds and the wise men in wonder and praise. We thank you for our material lives, praise you for our spiritual lives, and place our trust in you for our eternal life. Amen. |
Prayers for use in Church Services
A Christmas Offertory Prayer: Glory to God, who has given us Jesus, your gift of love to a world in need. We offer you our gifts of love – these gifts of money, our time and our talents. Take them and us we pray, to bring glory to your name. Amen |
A Christmas Offertory Prayer: Receive these gifts, Lord Jesus, which are offered in the same spirit that the wise men offered gold, frankincense and myrrh, as we come before you in humble gratitude for your gift of life. Take them and us, we pray, for the building up of your kingdom. Amen. |
Generous God, forgive us when our self centredness leads us to concentrate on the material aspects of Christmas. Help us focus on Jesus, your gift of love freely given to us. Amen. | Lord God, as we give and receive Christmas presents let us pray for one another, but remind us also to pray for those who receive nothing today. But let us also give Birthday presents – give ourselves back once again to our Lord Jesus whose day this is. Amen. |