There are lots of resources available to help you nurture generous giving in your parish, or even for reflection on your own journey of generous giving. Here are some of our favourites:
Inspiring Videos
There are lots of clips available on the Generous Giving site and on the Global Generosity Movement site. A couple of our favourites are:
A Handful of Rice – an inspiring story of daily giving from Mizoram in North East India
Life is a Gift – a simple teaching video about Christian Generosity
Generosity – a video containing a range of thoughts on Generosity from people across the Diocese of Winchester.
A retreat: Journey of Generosity
We’re teaming up with Generosity Path, whose mission is to help people see their hearts transformed by discovering the joy of giving. All over the world, thousands of people have set aside a day to reflect on God’s generosity to us, and how we can respond to that. Find out more about how you can join in!
Other Resources
Stewardship provide a range of fantastic resources to support giving and generosity, including their Advent Wonder and 40 Acts for Lent. A really helpful 35 day journey of personal readings are offered by Generous God, Generous People, which also comes with a set of Bible Studies for home groups.
You may also find the Generous Giving Project inspiring and helpful – these posts can also make great parish magazine articles.